When we started our business sound HR practices were a necessity for success and Linda helped us achieve this.
D Newton – Managing Director
Day‐to‐Day HR Advice and Support We are there to talk through those personnel problems that keep you awake at night and are available to provide hands‐on support for all issues including:
• Recruitment and selection
• Employee relations
• Performance management and appraisal
• Discipline and grievance issues
• Equlity and diversity issues
• Recognition and reward
HR Projects We provide a short‐term solution to those HR projects which you just don't have the time or resources to do such as:
• Producing or reviewing employee handbooks
• Introducing employee benefits
• Planning and succession management
• Formal investigations
• Redundancy and/or restructure processes
HR Policies We will be there to help you, or act on your behalf, with the creation, development or review of HR related policies and documents including:
• Employment arrangements
‐ including contracts of employment
• Recruitment and selection
‐ such as job descriptions, shortlisting and interviewing
• Discipline
‐ advice on policy and procedure, supporting investigations and hearings
• Absence Management
‐ advice on policy and procedure, and supporting return to work
• Performance improvement and management
‐ advice on policy and procedure
• Employee appraisal
‐ design, objective setting, succession planning / talent management
• Equality and diversity
‐ including maternity / paternity, bullying and harrassment
• Redundancy
‐ advice on process, consultation and outplacement support
• Health and safety, and environment
HR Administration It is in the best interests of your business to ensure that you have adequate employee records, documentation, policies and procedures to ensure that both you and your staff are clear about all matters related to their employment. These will assist in ensuring consistency in the way your employees are treated and in protecting your business. These include:
• Production of HR letters in all areas of an employee lifecycle
‐ from offers of employment through contractual changes and, ultimately, termination of employment
• Absence monitoring
‐ calculating absenteeism statistics, monitoring long‐term sickness
• Maintenance of employee records
‐ personal details, pay and benefit details, absence records
Having a full-time HR professional within your organisation can be expensive, however, the skills and knowledge that they bring can be invaluable. StellarHR can provide all the benefits of having your own HR expertise at a fraction of the cost of employing your own. We can provide you with a professional HR service at an affordable price.